Woke up feeling a bit cold at 7am. Sunrise is only in 45 minutes so we stay in the sleeping bag till the sun comes up.

Max got cold. I had told him the nights could be chilly but his sleeping bag is too thin. Let's make a warm coffee and oat meal to feel better.

It's 8h30 am when we finally hit the water. Today we have to do about 40 miles, and we will need about 7 hours to make them. The flow of the river varies between 4 and 8 miles an hour. Obviously the faster water bring a bit more complexity as there are twists and turns and turmoil, but we are happy to go faster. Once again, Max is doing great.

We get a bit wet at times but it is welcome as we are lucky to have some nice sun. No wind today.

At 5pm, we decide to stop at this sandy beach. I really want to enjoy our downtime (not paddling) before the sun goes down at 7h15pm. Days are shorter than on my first trip and with the night comes the cold. We take the cheese out, the wine and the freeze dried food. Feels good! Max and I are laughing a lot and feels good to spend time together.