Started paddling at 6am with a beautiful sunrise. Wind was quite low. Ebb was starting.

That changed quite fast as within 20 minutes I was surfing waves on a downwind. “I’ll get there at 10am if that continues”.

That didn’t. As the river changed direction, that created a side wind which complicated progress. Then currents changed (I believe from the islands creating new directions and also lower depth at some points) and made it really à balance act.

I have to thank my mental coach Pierre for the preparation. I felt I had the tools to keep the situation under control.

I also had the voice of my friend Steve saying “You got this!, you got this!”

At one point, I was going at 9.2 mph!! Quite amazing for a 50lb kayak and 30lbs of gear.

kept on paddling without stopping for 6 hours. Got there in Benicia right when the tide was changing.

Landed at the Benicia OCC site, in time for a long nap.

Tomorrow is my last day. Gonna be epic.