Cyril Derreumaux

Cyril Derreumaux

US  47 years old French-born, now also American citizen, world traveler and avid adventurer, Cyril Derreumaux has lived in France, Spain, England, Italy, Argentina, Brazil, the US, and speaks 5 languages fluently. Adventure seeker since childhood, Cyril backpacked around the world for a full year at the age of 25. As an ultra-endurance athlete, Cyril has a long list of expeditions under his belt. In his last adventure in the summer of 2016, he successfully rowed across the Pacific Ocean from California to Hawaii, in an expedition of just under 40 days, earning him and his teammates a Guinness World Record for the fastest crossing. Cyril is training to cross the mid-pacific again, but this time in a solo and unsupported kayak expedition

The Gonzo Paddle

March 2022  •  31.9 nm

The island tally: Alcatraz, Treasure Island, Yerba Buena, Brooks, Red Rock, the brothers (2), the Sisters (2), Rat, Marin (2), and Angel.